ChatGPT-Prompts für H5P: Interaktive Übungen schnell erstellen

1. Erster Teil: Inhalt der Übung festlegen

2. Zweiter Teil des Prompts: Das Antwortformat definieren

📌 Beispiel- ChatGPT Prompts für verschiedene H5P-Übungen

ÜbungstypPrompt Teil 1: Beschreibung des gewünschten Inhalts ( Beispiel)Prompt Teil 2: Format der Antwort
(nicht ändern, außer den Teilen in [ ])
Lückentext (Fill in the blanks)Write 10 sentences with gaps to practice [Thema] in [Sprache] at level [A1/B2] of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Do NOT repeat the conjugation of a verb.Write your answer in a code box using this format: Write the sentence and make sure that the gaps are marked with an asterisk (*) before and after the correct word.
For example: The cabin is *red*.
Think twice before giving your answer.
Multiple Choice (Single Choice)Please write [sentences/Text] with gaps and multiple-choice options to practice [Thema] in [Sprache] at [level] of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.Give your answer in a code box using this format: Separate questions with an empty line. The first line contains the question and the following lines are the possible answers. The first line is always the correct answer. For example:
Ich ___ (wohnen) in Berlin.

Er ___ (arbeiten) bei Siemens.
Wörter einordnen (Drag the words)Create an exercise on the topic [Thema] in [Sprache] for level [A1/B2]. Write sentences with missing words.Write your answer in a code box using this format: Write the sentence and make sure that the gaps are marked with an asterisk (*) before and after the correct word.
Example: The hut is *red.*
Wörter markieren (Mark the words)Write a text of 150 words about [Thema] in [Sprache] and [Level].Give your answer in a code box using this format:  Write the short text, making sure that each [adjective] is marked with an asterisk (*) before and after the correct word.
For example: The hut is *red*. Think twice before giving your answer
Buchstabensalat (Find the words)Generate [#] words related to the topic [Thema] in [Sprache].Separate each word with a comma.

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